Ok, well, I don't have any cards to share today, so I thought I would share some of the fun we have had over the last couple of days. On Friday night we went over to my dad's house for a Halloween party. The kids were very excited, especially since they could finally wear their costumes. They played games, watched movies, had treats and dinner, broke the pinata and had lots of fun. This first picture is my youngest in her little pumpkin fairy costume. It was so cute. She didn't really like having it put on, but was so cute when we finally did get it on.
This next one is my 5 year old. She was a fairy.
This is my son, He decided he wanted to be Iron Man this year. A change from Spiderman (his favorite).
And my oldest decided she wanted to be Hannah Montana.
They all had so much fun at the party and the best part was that even Grandpa and Grandma dressed up for the evening. My dad was Captain Jack Sparrow (right) and my step-mother was a mummy (above).
These two are playing with the sticky eyeballs they got at the party. They thought they were cool making it look like their eyes were falling out.

Lastnight after dinner at the Spaghetti Facory (they were doing free dinners for kids dressed up in costumes) we headed over to one of the local malls for trick or treating (sorry for the fuzzy pics, the lighting at the mall wasn't very good). Boy was that crowded. Everyone was lined up in a circle going around the mall to each of the stores. After that we decided to come home and visit the houses of some of our friends. It was a fun night and they wont be wanting for candy for a while.
That's all I have for today. Thanks for stopping by. I will hopefully have some cards to share with you soon, I think I caught a little of what has been going around, but I'm going to try and work on things as I relax, we'll see how it goes. Have a nice day.
1 comment:
That sounds like you guys had the 'perfect' Halloween!
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